The Only Comprehensive and Customizable Macro Solution
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TGMacro - How to Use Guide
Interface Introduction - Main Screen
1. File Menu
Load Project: Closes the current project and opens a new one.
Save Project: Saves the current project.
Save Project As: Saves the project with a new name.
Import Project: Merges another project with the current one.
Clear Screen: Closes all projects.
2. Help Menu
Updates: Redirects to the software’s update page.
About: Displays version information.
3. Settings Window
Enable on Start: Enables macros when software starts.
Load Last Macro on Start: Loads the last saved macro on startup.
Hide to Tray When Minimized: Moves software to system tray.
Play On/Off Audio: Plays a sound when macros are enabled or disabled.
Associate TGM Files: Associates TGM files with TGMacro, allowing them to be opened directly with the program.
Activation Shortcut: Keyboard shortcut to enable/disable the TGMacro system.
Record Shortcut: Keyboard shortcut to start/stop macro recording (works only when the macro editor window is open).
4. Always On Top
This option keeps TGMacro on top of all windows.
5 / 6 Enable / Disable System
This enables or disables TGMacro.
Why is this option available?
This option acts as an emergency stop button to halt accidentally created infinite loops.
7. Add New MAcro
This button opens the macro editor window to create a new macro.
Interface Introduction - Macro Editor
1. Macro Name
You can set a name for your macro that will appear on the main screen. If no name is entered, it will default to 'Macro' followed by its number.
2. Trigger Settings
This section defines how your macro will be triggered. You can trigger your macro using a key, key combinations, or screen color changes.
3. Record Settings
In this section, you can select which actions to record and start/stop the recording process.
4. Mouse Position Capture:
Save Current Position: Captures the cursor's exact position on the screen.
Save Position Differences: Records the difference from the previous cursor position. For example, if the cursor moves from 50 to 70 on the X-axis, the recorded value will be 20.
5. This section allows you to select the actions you want to record
Mouse Movement: Record mouse movements.
Mouse Buttons: Record mouse button presses.
Keyboard Keys: Record keyboard button presses.
Waits / Delays: Record wait times between actions.
6. Save Macro
This button checks your macro for any issues and alerts you if any are found. Otherwise, it saves your macro.
7-16 Action tools section.
This section can also be accessed via the right-click menu.
7: New action button: Opens the action editor window to add a new action.
8: Edit action button: Opens the action editor window to modify the selected action."
9: Duplicate action button: Creates a duplicate of the selected actions and adds them to the action list.
10: Delete action button: Removes the selected actions
11: Group button: Moves the selected actions into a newly created group action.
12: Move selected actions up button: Moves the selected actions one position higher in the list.
13: Move selected actions down button: Moves the selected actions one position lower in the list.
14: Clear actions button: Deletes all actions in the list.
15: Timing adjuster: Adds the entered value to all 'Wait' actions in the list. If the value is negative, it subtracts the entered amount from all 'Wait' actions.
16: Import AMC Script: This button converts your existing AMC script file into TGMacro actions.